Better Call Saul Character Review: Saul and Kim
Heads up, this review contains spoilers of Better Call Saul and, to some extent, Breaking Bad. As usual of Vincent Gilligan and his team, Better Call Saul (BCS) is brilliant. Surely it is a pleasant surprise for people who thought this prequel is just trying to milk the success of Breaking Bad. Let’s be real. Even I personally decided to watch it because of how much I was blown away by Breaking Bad, especially with those two last episodes. *chef’s kiss* For those of you who have watched Breaking Bad and had no or minimal interest in our criminal lawyer, I am with you. Watching Saul helping our meth-cooking duo always seems to be a plot convenience. My initial thought of Saul: Oh, there is this crooked lawyer that helps criminals smoothen things out legally (loosely speaking). It is not surprising at all. Walter White is a genius, but only in the scientific field. So, it is a pleasant and welcomed change that BCS shows how Saul complements Walt as a legal genius. Of course, talking abou...